Saturday 29 June 2024

Plein air painting 101

Plein air painting 101

dead log in water new forest art
Near to Blackwater Arboretum in the New Forest, Hampshire, and where the previous post was situated is Flechs Water, a few minutes away. This old log made an interesting subject. Painted on mounting board sized at 12" x 9.5", and done in oils during a fine hot day on the 25th May 2023.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Plein air painting 93

Plein air painting 93

southampton old cemetery non conformist chapel

Southampton 'old' cemetery contains a number of buildings, all grade II built around the same time. This one, known as the Non-Conformist Chapel, though used as storage space, was painted on a Saturday morning in February 2023. I joined a group known as the 'Urban Sketchers' for this paint out, so I had plenty of company on that occasion.
The painting measures 12" x 9.5" and done in oils on cardboard.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Head painting exercise - 'Vintage Coronation Street' 01

Head painting exercise - 

'Vintage Coronation Street' 01

A set of famous characters from the very early 1970's Coronation Street, a soap opera first started in 1960 and still running on ITV. The video source was from 2" video as found on You Tube which account for the softness. All the paintings are done in oils on cardboard, sized at 9.5" x 12", and done at various points during early to late summer 2023. 
Top left - Elsie Tanner, top right - Albert Tatlock, bottom left - Len Fairclough, bottom right - Annie Walker.
Elsie Tanner oil painting

Albert Tatlock oil painting

Len Fairclough oil painting

Annie Walker oil painting

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Plein air painting 89

Plein air painting 89

St Nicolas’ Church stoneham art painting

This old church is quite unusual in that the clock on the tower only has one (hour) hand. When St Nicolas’ Church in Stoneham was built c1500s, minute hands were not considered necessary. There may have been a church of some description as early as the 800s. The building as it stands would have been altered and added to over the centuries and suffered some damage during WWII. It is grade II listed.
Painted on cardboard sized at 12" x 9.5" in oils, during early November 2022.
A second, smaller oil painting was done on the same day of the doorway on the other side of the building. The artwork measures 8" x7".
church doorway stoneham art