Monday 28 August 2017

Romantic Skeletons Drawing vs Painting ART

Romantic Skeletons Drawing vs Painting ART

finished art vs sketch M P davey horror skeletons
rough drawing vs finished art 'Romantic skeletons'
This drawing vs finished art comparison shows a rough drawing compared to finished artwork. The actual art is called 'Romantic Valentine Skeletons in Graveyard' and was completed in January 2014. The first panel shows the rough drawing completed. It is lacking in any detail as can be seen. The finished art was done digitally by painting in Photoshop, but there was no detailed drawing produced on this occasion. Instead the painting was drawn and designed as I went ahead with it, deciding on the details, lighting and colours as I went along. What is consistent however is the position of all the elements based on the drawing, which remain fixed within the composition.
The final art can be seen in detail here.

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