Tuesday 21 May 2024

Plein air painting 91

Plein air painting 91 (unfinished)

Bramshaw new forest landscape art M P Davey

This view shows the B3079 going through the Bramshaw area of the New Forest, Hampshire. On the right hand side (off canvas) would be the Green Dragon pub. The sky was quite foreboding when I started this plein air landscape. Sadly after about 30mins it started to rain. I continued for another 15 mins or so but had to stop because the raindrops were settling on the oil paint to an uncontrolled amount, like little beads. Fortunately I had got the painting to a level where it is showable, even if not actually finished. When the water droplets finally disappeared, little circles/ dots are left in the paintwork.
Painted in oils on the 24 November 2022 this artwork is done on cardboard sized at 12" x 9.5".

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