Hillier Gardens late summer
oil painting of one of the beautiful landscaped gardens in the county
of Hampshire, at Hillier Gardens, near to Romsey and Southampton, in
the UK. The garden was set up in 1953 by Sir Harold Hillier and now
covers 180 acres. The collection covers a diverse collection of hardy
trees and shrubs from around the world. This oil painting illustrates
the main lake in the center of the gardens, during late summer. The
large amount of trees makes the landscape seem quite dark, but the
bright reflection in the water helps to balance out the tones within
the painting. A woman standing on the small, wooden bridge, adds a
focus point within the composition. I had painted a similar view a
few months before using acrylics rather than oil paint.
in 2012 on a 16" x 20" canvas.
Hillier Gardens late summer